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This so-called pawpaw is actually not a pawpaw at all. It is related to the cherimoya, and is a great choice if you want that tropical taste but live in an area that is too cold for most subtropical fruits. It is hardy to -25 degrees, but fruits well even here in the north. A medium-sized tree that prefers full sun but will also grow in part shade, it should start fruiting 4-6 years after planting. Fruit are smallish[approx 10cm long], sweet and reminiscent of a cross between a banana, mango with hints of coconut - delicious and plentiful. Like cherimoya, they contain quite a lot of seeds. The trees can reach 5-7m. You will need at least two for pollination. 


These plants a relatively small but with big root systems.  They require particular care when transplanting and prefer to be trasplanted when small.  They like to be protected and shaded for the first two years before gently being exposed to full or part sun.  To achieve this its best to plant out and cover with shade cloth until the plant is established and then gently expose to more sunlight over time.



AMERICAN PAWPAW (Asimina triloba)

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